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A Comparative Study on the Performance of Indian and Bangladeshi NGO-MFIs listed with 5 Diamond Profile in the MIX.

Year 2009
Volume/Issue/Review Month Vol. - 2 | Issue 1 | January – June
Title A Comparative Study on the Performance of Indian and Bangladeshi NGO-MFIs listed with 5 Diamond Profile in the MIX.
Authors N. Sivasankaran , Dr. V. R. Nedunchezian , Suyampirakasam
Broad area A Comparative Study on the Performance of Indian
Around 1.4 billion people in the developing countries live below the official poverty yardstick of US $1.25 a day. In the effort to fight Poverty, Micro Finance Institutions are perceived to offer the helpline to the poor in coming out of the undesired and unwanted living conditions. In the last decade, many NGOs started venturing in to the MF sector assuming MF as a profit making venture .However only a few of them could produce economic surplus in their MF activities. It may be due to their poor performance in social, operational and financial parameters .In this context; there is a need to compare the performance of Indian MFIs with the Bangladeshi MFIs operating in the NGO format. This paper aims at measuring the performance of Indian and Bangladeshi NGO-MFIs listed with 5 diamond profile in the MIX. Findings are drawn using secondary data collected from the MIX about 6 Indian and 5 Bangladeshi Not for Profit NGOMFIs.
Description Poverty Eradication has long been in the agenda of the policy makers of many countries in the world. To be specific, the developing countries have been for decades fighting with the problem of poverty. As per the latest estimate of the World Bank, around
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