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Performance Evaluation of Public Sector Banks in India

Year 2021
Volume/Issue/Review Month Volume - XIV Issue - I, Jan. - Jun. 2021
Title Performance Evaluation of Public Sector Banks in India
Authors Tej Singh , N. P. Yadav
Broad area Performance Evaluation of Public Sector Banks in India
 The study attempts to examine the Performance Evaluation of Public Sector Banks in India. The Punjab National Bank has been selected for the same. The PNB has business in two segments, i.e. financial and internal business process. The study is based on secondary data from 2007-08 to 2016-17. The results reveal that the financial position of the bank is satisfactory in term of capital adequacy and credit deposits ratio. The cost to income and business per employee ratio are efficient with regard to internal business process. The financial and internal business process ratios are positively correlated. It proves that with increase in the financial position, internal business process performance will increase. The‘t’ value is insignificant at 95 percent level of confidence. The study focused on holistic measures for measuring the performance of the bank. At present, the performance is not appreciable. This has happened due to slowdown in the economy. The study may be useful to bank’s managers, savers, users and government, etc. in planning the financing and non-financing decisions.
Description Performance Evaluation of Public Sector Banks in India
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